Riding the Roller Coaster of Emotions
Thanksgiving, An Emotional Season
I was pondering about what image to share and what to write for this Thanksgiving greeting. And behold, it was soon decided for me by the spirit of this sweet soul. I miss you Schulz. And I am thankful for the amazing 15 years of unconditional love and joy you brought me, and so many others, every day.
This season can be so multifaceted. For me it is a time of reflection. And that can bring so many emotions up. Especially through the power of photographs. I smiled when I saw this photo. Then I got profoundly sad. Maybe it takes more than 8 months… Time. Does it truly heal? Are we meant to ever fully “heal” from loss? Hmm..
I want to acknowledge all those who ride the roller coaster this season. Especially those who have experienced loss this year. Loss of a pet, a person, a relationship, health, a job or business you loved – loss of any kind. The list is endless, right? Feel free to share here as well if you wish. I Appreciate you.
Holidays, a pause in the normal routine of life, affords us moments to reflect. On the joys and the sorrows. We should all be thankful for that. To be alive. To feel. To be human.
Love to you and yours this Thanksgiving week.