Our Furry Valentines
They Get All the Smooches in Our Household Anyway
We have long lists of Valentine’s Day dates, treats, flowers, and presents from past years that we can never remember. Did we order that decadent chocolate cake last year? Or the year before? Was that charm bracelet from 2019 or 1989? That special steakhouse dinner was so special that no one remembers the name of the restaurant, whenever it was.
If that sounds like your Valentine’s routine, you’re not alone: It’s all our Valentine’s routines. If it weren’t for the last-minute scramble for anything resembling a heart, card, flowers, or candy, Feb. 14 would be a pre-game warmup for President’s Day weekend.
Lesson learned from our four-legged friends at home: Love doesn’t need its own day to celebrate. Whether we admit it out loud or admit it to ourselves when we’re cuddled up on the couch, our pets are league leaders in lessons on love. It’s why, this year, we’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with our furry friends, and we hope you do too. Don’t skip the people celebrations, but please reserve a smooch or a hug for your pets. Their love comes tomorrow and every other day of the year. And they’re probably snuggled up on your bed right now.
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