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Celebrating 25 Years in Business!

What’s Up Doc?

CU Resident Dinner 2024

Medicine is serious business, we get it. There are times and places for knockout jokes, but the doctor’s office might be near the bottom of that list next to mandatory jury duty and in the middle of a tornado. But as we learned last week at the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Orthopedic Resident Dinner, that doesn’t mean the future docs don’t have a sense of humor.

The short of the long? Each year, orthopedic residents at CU finish their tours of duty before heading off to monumentally challenging fellowships in whatever their specialties will be. These docs are heading all over the country to tackle some of the most stressful and physically demanding medical jobs. On this night, these superhuman surgeons get a night off, let their figurative hair down, and roast each other like a coffee shop.

Every year, we jump at the chance to hear these docs take each other to the mat for an evening, if only because we know their days are filled with unimaginable decisions and hard work. These folks will be our nation’s top docs sometime soon, and their chosen work doesn’t always lend itself to jokes and humor. For one night, the (white) coat rules are relaxed, and these docs become the best stand-ups we’ve ever seen. In the theater tradition: Break a leg out there, docs. Not literally, of course.

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