Almost Famous
I’m thrilled to be inducted into the pantheon of Colorado Music Experience Photographers. Read on from the great G. Brown, director of CoME:
“Colorado Music Experience is fiercely proud of the content we create in service of our mission of preserving our state’s myriad and substantial musical legacies. You’ll find acclaimed podcasts, mini-documentaries, interview-based profiles, archival audio and more at colomusic.org.
This month we invite you to explore a curated visual history of Colorado music from the vantage point of rock photographers. It’s a privilege to provide a forum for these “lens whisperers.” Bill Warren shot the halcyon days of the Red Rocks “Summer of Stars” in the early ’80s. The redoubtable Brian Brainerd used his photo journalism skills to craft amazing backstage portraiture. Stephen Collector applied his attention to detail and lighting techniques to his striking portfolio of ’80s musicians. Tim Benko has chronicled the Telluride Bluegrass Festival for more than three decades. If you subscribe to the notion that quantity is quality, no one has shot more Denver-area concerts than the indefatigable Michael Goldman. There’s even George Kealiher, Jr., who was allowed backstage when national acts performed at the newly constructed Denver Coliseum in the ’50s. More talents and their stunning images of iconic performers appear in CoME’s photo galleries.
The newest addition is the work of Garrett Hacking—for more than 25 years, he’s captured the personalities and emotions of musicians at concerts across Colorado. He selected some of his favorite images exclusively for Colorado Music Experience. There’s more where this pic of John Butler Trio at Red Rocks (below) came from!”