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Celebrating 25 Years in Business!

Lighting the Holidays Together

A Christmas Tree Reminds us of More Than Just Presents

A Christmas tree is more than what may be lying underneath. For centuries around the world, a Christmas tree has been a symbol of the holidays; a warm and welcoming beacon alight each night to remind us of giving, sharing, family, and good spirit. Christmas trees mean familial and comforting in any language.

They’re also communal, which is perhaps why we look forward each year to the annual tree-lighting ceremony in Downtown Denver. Every year, we’re awestruck by the dazzling display and instant community created by the tree. It stands downtown as a reminder to us all that, despite our backgrounds or beliefs, we share a space together in a larger community. Some years we’re lucky to give to some; some years, we’re grateful to receive from others.

Beyond the Christmas holiday, the tree has evolved to symbolize resilience and a giving spirit. Each tree and every holiday symbol remind us that we’re part of a larger family and gathering and celebrating our community should always be merry and bright.


Celebrate the holidays and receive photographs as lasting memories. Learn more about our special event photography. Contact us today!